Figure 6. Accumulation of β-catenin at the centrosome after Wnt3a activation.
(a) Frames from time-lapse Video 9 showing YFP-β-catenin accumulation at the centrosome (white arrowheads) and after cell division. Bar = 10 μm. (b) The colocalization (white arrowheads) of YFP-β-catenin (top) or endogenous β-catenin (bottom) with the centrosomal marker pericentrin (red immunofluorescence) in untreated and LiCl-treated cells. Hoechst DNA stain is in blue, and DIC in grey. Boxes show enlarged centrosomal areas. Bar = 10 μm. (c) The relative average intensity of YFP-β-catenin measured in the centrosome (n = 11), membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus (from Figure 2 and 5) of Wnt3a-treated cells. Correlation scores (r) between the nucleus (n), cytoplasm (c), membrane (m) and centrosome (ce) YFP-β-catenin levels are presented at the bottom. (d) The rate of change in YFP-β-catenin levels (ΔI/Δt) accumulation or degradation in the centrosome, membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus over time in Wnt3a- and LiCl-treated cells. (e) Plots of YFP-β-catenin levels in the sub-cellular compartments of individual cells (from Figure 3). Boxes show the correlation scores (r) between the nucleus (n), cytoplasm (c), membrane (m) and centrosome (ce).