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. 2016 Dec 16;11(12):e0168751. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0168751

Fig 1. Schematic overview of tree species mixtures in Freiburg IDENT.

Fig 1

Values in parentheses below species acronyms are the number of plots for each mixture. The experiment consists of 4 identical blocks with 102 plots each (S1 Fig). However, in block 4 seven mixtures (indicated by *) were duplicated, so in total there are 415 plots. Mixtures with 4 species were only established for European species. As a result, plots with purely European (EU) species are more frequent than plots with North American (NA) species or plots with species from both origins (EU-NA). Also, the fertilization treatment was only established for European species (see text). In block 3, the plot with both Betula species was mistakenly planted with both Acer species (indicated by **).