Figure 5.
In severe preeclampsia as compared to normal pregnancy, cytotrophoblast invasion is shallow and the cells fail to switch on the expression of stage-specific antigens that are normally upregulated as they penetrate the uterine wall and blood vessels (BVs). (A and C) Cytokeratin (CK) staining of tissue sections of the maternal-fetal interface allows visualization of cytotrophoblasts that invade the uterine wall. (B) In normal pregnancy, the subpopulation of human cytotrophoblasts that carries out endovascular invasion upregulates expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM). (D) In cases of severe preeclampsia (SPE), NCAM immunoreactivity is either absent or very weak (indicated by the arrows). AV, anchoring villus; COL, cell column of anchoring villus.