FIG. 2.
Microarray analysis. (Left panels) DNA microarrays were hybridized with amplicons generated by multiplex PCR. All capture probes specific for PCR amplicons or controls (ctrl) were printed in duplicate. Microarrays are shown hybridized with the product from the multiplex PCR (top three panels) or in combination with a positive hybridization control (middle three panels). The hybridization pattern of the positive hybridization control alone is shown in the lower panel (spot layout). A (negative) spotting buffer control (NCtr) was placed in the lower-left corner of the array. The spot diameters measure 150 μm. (Right panel) Gel-like image of capillary electrophoresis gel from analysis of multiplex PCR products with a 2100 BioAnalyzer and a DNA 500 chip (Agilent). The multiplex PCR was performed with DNA templates from C. jejuni (lane 1), C. coli (lane 3), or a mixture of DNA of both organisms combined (lane 2).