(A) Schematic representation of the HERV-K101 provirus. The open reading frames encoding the viral proteins Gag, Prot, and Pol are indicated. The env reading frame encodes Np9. The two exons of the np9 gene are highlighted. The shown provirus type fails to code for Rec, due to the type 1-specific deletion of 292 bp depicted. (B) Np9 protein. The positions of the three putative NLSs are depicted. (C) Schematic representation of the two human LNX splice variants, LNXp80 and LNXp70. The RING finger domain and the four PDZ domains are designated. The depicted LNX-C-term clone represents the Np9-interacting domain. A putative NLS and the N-terminal-binding site for Numb protein (LDNPAY), are indicated.