Fig. 1.
Impact of local modulation of DORs on alcohol behaviors. In the ventral tegmental area (VTA), the DOR agonist DPDPE decreases and the DOR antagonist TIPPψ increases alcohol intake (Margolis et al. 2008), although naltrindole reportedly had no effect (Hyytia and Kiianmaa 2001). The DOR agonist SNC80 increases and the DOR antagonist naltrindole decreases alcohol intake in the dorsal striatum (Nielsen et al. 2012a). In the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), the DOR agonist DALA increases alcohol intake (Barson et al. 2009) and naltrindole decreases alcohol intake (Hyytia and Kiianmaa 2001) and alcohol-induced dopamine release (Acquas et al. 1993), whereas the DOR antagonist ICI 174,864 attenuates alcohol-induced loss of righting reflex (Widdowson 1987). Naltrindole decreases alcohol intake (Hyytia and Kiianmaa 2001) and alcohol place preference (Bie et al. 2009) in the amygdala. The DOR agonist DALA increases alcohol intake (Barson et al. 2010) in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) but decreases alcohol intake (Chen et al. 2013) in the perifornical lateral hypothalamus (PF/LH). Naltrindole injection in the ventral pallidum (VP) does not modulate alcohol intake (Kemppainen et al. 2012)