Fig. 4.
Phenotypes of transgenic worms in which heat shock induces paf-2 RNAi. (A) Western blotting of total protein extract from heat-shocked wild-type (Wt), paf-1(tj11) (paf-1), and paf-1(tj11); qaIs3102 (hsp::paf-2 RNAi) (Tg) with SY8, which recognizes both PAF-1 and PAF-2 equally. The arrow indicates an immunoreactive band against PAF-1 and PAF-2. (B) PAF acetylhydrolase activity of total protein extract from heat-shocked Wt, paf-1, and Tg(paf-2 RNAi). (C–I) Wild-type and examples of the range of defects seen in heat-shocked Tg(paf-2 RNAi) animals. (C and F) Wild type. (D, E, and G–I) Tg(paf-2 RNAi). Nomarski micrographs of wild-type embryos (C, elongation stage) and unhatched Tg(paf-2 RNAi) embryos (D, terminal stage) are compared. The corresponding Tg embryo was costained with MH27 (green) and with LIN-26 antiserum (red) (E). The posterior of the Tg(paf-2 RNAi) is enclosed and is partially elongated, whereas the head has ruptured. (F–I) Hatched L1 animals. Comparison of wild-type (F) and Tg(paf-2 RNAi) (G–I). Some of the hatched Tg(paf-2 RNAi) show variable abnormal morphologies and development is arrested at the early larval stage. Ectopic protrusions in the tail (G, arrow), in the head (H, arrow), in the body (I, arrow), and kinked tail (I, arrowhead). Asterisks indicate the anterior of the larvae. (Bars, 10 μmin C–E; 20 μmin F–I.)