FIG. 1.
RNase protection assay analysis of hapA expression. V. cholerae strains were grown in TSB medium to an OD600 of 2 (deceleration phase). At this point, 10-ml aliquots were withdrawn for total-RNA extraction (lanes 2 to 6) and the remaining culture was further incubated for 16 h (late stationary phase) (lane 7 to 11). Lanes: 1, intact probe (RNase-minus control); 2 and 7, C6706; 3 and 8 C6709-1; 4 and 9, KSK394 (crp); 5 and 10; N16961 (hapR); 6 and 11; DSM-V491 (rpoS). MW, molecular size in base pairs.