Figure 3.
MBF1 binds a conserved basic motif. (A) GST pull-down assay showed a direct interaction of a GST-MBF1 fusion protein with the His-tagged D-Jun bZIP domain (J) but not with the same region of D-Fos (F). (B) Alignment of basic regions in the yeast bZIP factor GCN4, a nuclear receptor Ftz-F1, and the human and Drosophila AP-1 family members. All proteins except D-Fos have been shown to bind MBF1. The black boxes indicate arginine residues in GCN4 and Ftz-F1, known to be required for MBF1 binding; the corresponding basic residues in Fos and Jun are shaded. The arrow points to the critical redox-sensitive cysteine in AP-1 proteins.