Figure 3.
Notch effector genes Hey1/2 suppress Snail2 and Twist1 expression. A, immunoblots (left) and mRNA levels (right) of WM9 and WM164 transduced with pLNCX-empty vector or pLNCX-N4ICD. B, immunoblots (top) and mRNA (bottom) of WM9 and WM164 transfected with siRNA-targeting Hey1 (left) or plasmids encoding Hey1 cDNA (right). C, immunoblots (top) and mRNA levels (bottom) of WM9 and WM164 transfected with siRNA targeting Hey2 (left) or plasmids encoding Hey2 cDNA (right). D, immunoblots of WM9 and WM164 transduced with pLNCX-empty vector, pLNCX-N4ICD, or pLNCX-N4ICD and siRNA targeting CSL. Error bars, SDs from the mean. n.s., not significant; *, P ≤ 0.05; **, P ≤ 0.01; ***, P ≤ 0.001.