Table 2.
Reference | PBM parameters | Mode of irradiation | Muscle/exercise | Main findings |
[10] | Cluster with 31 laser diodes; 660 nm; 950 nm; Cluster area 12 cm2; 527.77 mW (calculated) 31.7 J/cm2 (720 s) Pulsed frequencies (Hz): 2.5; 5; 20; 1 site of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 380 J (calculated) |
Contact After exercise |
1 site of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (free weights) |
RCT with 60 subjects (12 control; 12 placebo; 36 LLLT) No effect of PBM in DOMS No effect of PBM in mechanical pain threshold No effect of PBM in MPT, VAS and McGill questionnaire |
[11] | Cluster with 31 laser diodes; 660 nm; 950 nm; Cluster area 12 cm2; 534 mW 11 J/cm2 (240 s) Pulsed frequency (Hz): 73 1 site of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 132 J (calculated) |
Contact After exercise |
1 site of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (free weights) |
RCT with 36 subjects (12 control, 12 placebo, 12 LLLT) No effect of PBM in DOMS No effect of PBM in mechanical pain threshold No effect of PBM in MPT, VAS and McGill questionnaire |
[9] | Cluster with 32 LEDs; 950 nm; Cluster area 18 cm2; 160 mW; 8.8 mW/cm2 (calculated) 3.2 J/cm2 (360 s); 1 site of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 57.6 J (calculated) |
Contact After exercise |
1 site of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (isokinetic dynamometer) |
RCT with 32 subjects (16 placebo; 16 LEDT) No effect of PBM in DOMS No effect of PBM in mechanical pain threshold No effect of PBM in isokinetic peak torque |
[8] | Cluster with 36 LEDs; 32 LEDs 880 nm; 4 LEDs 660 nm; Cluster area 5 cm2; 500 mW (calculated); 100 mW/cm2; 40 J per site of irradiation (80 s); 8 J/cm2; 2 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 80 J |
Contact After exercise |
2 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (Scott bench) |
RCT with 27 subjects (9 Control; 9 Placebo; 9 LEDT) PBM decreased DOMS after 48 h No effect of PBM in girth No effect of PBM in resting extension angle |
[13] | Laser diode 655 nm; Diode area 0.1 cm2; 50 mW; 500 J/cm2; 5 W/cm2; 5 J per diode (100 s); 4 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 20 J |
Contact Muscular pre-conditioning |
4 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (Scott bench) Maximum voluntary contraction until exhaustion |
RCT with 12 volleyball players (6 Placebo; 6 LLLT) PBM increased number of repetitions PBM increased total time of contractions No effect of PBM in blood lactate |
[21] | Laser diode 830 nm; Diode area 0.0028 cm2; 100 mW; 35.7 W/cm2; 5 J (50 s), 1,785 J/cm2; 4 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 20 J |
Contact Muscular pre-conditioning |
4 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (Scott bench) Maximum voluntary contraction until exhaustion |
RCT with 10 volleyball players (crossover study) PBM increased number of repetitions No effect of PBM in blood lactate No effect of PBM in total time of contractions |
[22] | Laser diode 660 nm; Diode area 0.0028 cm2; 50 mW; 17.85 W/cm2; 5 J (100 s); 1,785 J/cm2; 4 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 20 J versus Laser diode 830 nm; Diode area 0.0028 cm2; 50 mW; 17.85W/cm2; 5 J (100 s), 1,785 J/cm2; 4 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 20 J |
Contact Muscular pre-conditioning |
4 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (Scott bench) Maximum voluntary contraction (60 s) |
RCT with 10 subjects (crossover study) PBM 630 nm increased mean force PBM 630 nm increased peak force PBM 830 nm increased mean force PBM 830 nm increased peak force |
[23] | Cluster with 5 laser diodes 810 nm; Diode area 0.0364 cm2; 200 mW; 5.495 W/cm2; 6 J per diode (30 s); 164.85 J/cm2; 30 J per site of irradiation: 5 × 6 J Total delivered: 60 J |
Contact Muscular pre-conditioning |
2 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (Scott bench) Maximum voluntary contraction until exhaustion |
RCT with 9 volleyball players (crossover study) PBM increased number of repetitions PBM increased total time of contractions PBM decreased blood lactate 5 min post-exercise PBM decreased CK in blood post-exercise PBM decreased C-reactive protein post-exercise |
[24] | Cluster with 69 LEDs; LED area 0.2 cm2; 34 LEDs 660 nm; 10 mW; 50 mW/cm2; 35 LEDs 850 nm; 30 mW; 150 mW/cm2; 0.3 J LED 660 nm (30 s), 1.5 J/cm2; 0.9 J LED 850 nm (30 s), 4.5 J/cm2; 41.7 J per site of irradiation; 1 site of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 41.7 J |
Contact Muscular pre-conditioning |
1 site of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (Scott bench) Maximum voluntary contraction until exhaustion |
RCT with 10 volleyball players (crossover study) PBM increased number of repetitions PBM decreased blood lactate post-exercise PBM decreased CK in blood post-exercise PBM decreased C-reactive protein post-exercise |
[25] | LED 630 nm; LED area 1.77 cm2; 300 mW; 169.49 mW/cm2; 9 J (30 s); 5.1 J/cm2; 4 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 36 J |
Contact Muscular pre-conditioning |
4 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (Scott bench) 30 eccentric contraction |
RCT with 17 subjects (9 placebo; 8 LEDT) PBM decreased DOMS from 48 h to 96 h post-exercise PBM decreased isometric force loss from 24 h to 96 h PBM improved range of motion from 24 h to 96 h |
[26] | Laser diode 808 nm; Diode area 0.0028 cm2; 100 mW; 35.71 W/cm2; 1 J (10 s), 357.14 J/cm2 4 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 4 J |
Contact Between sets of exercise |
4 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (biceps curl) 10 sets of 10 repetitions |
RCT with 22 subjects (11 placebo; 11 LLLT) No effect of PBM in 1-repetition maximum (1-RM) PBM decreased CK in blood after 72 h post-exercise |
[27] | Large cluster with 33 diodes: 5 laser diodes; 850 nm; 100 mW; 0.06 cm2; 1,666.6 mW/cm2; 3.2 J (32 s); 53.3 J/cm2 each; 12 LEDs; 670 nm; 10 mW; 1.92 cm2; 5.20 mW/cm2; 0.3 J (32 s); 0.15 J/cm2 each; 8 LEDs; 980 nm; 25 mW; 1.28 cm2; 19.53 mW/cm2; 0.8 J (32 s); 0.62 J/cm2 each 8 LEDs; 950 nm; 15 mW; 1.28 cm2; 11.71 mW/cm2; 0.5 J (32 s); 0.39 J/cm2 each 2 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 60 J versus Small cluster with 9 diodes: 5 laser diodes; 850 nm; 100 mW; 0.06 cm2; 1,666.6 mW/cm2; 5.6 J (56 s); 93.3 J/cm2 each; 4 LEDs; 670 nm; 10 mW; 0.64 cm2; 15.62 mW/cm2; 0.56 J (56 s); 0.87 J/cm2 each 2 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 60 J |
Contact Muscular pre-conditioning |
2 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Maximum isometric voluntary contraction until exhaustion (isokinetic dynamometer) |
RCT with 10 subjects (crossover study) PBM increased time to exhaustion No effect of PBM on peak torque No effect of PBM on electromyography analyses |
[28] | Laser diode 808 nm; Diode area 0.0028 cm2; 100 mW; 35.7 W/cm2; 7 J (70 s), 2,500 J/cm2; 8 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 56 J |
Contact Muscular pre-conditioning |
8 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion |
RCT with 20 subjects (crossover study) No effect of PBM in number of repetitions No effect of PBM in blood lactate post-exercise No effect of PBM on fatigue by surface electromyography |
[29] | Cluster with 2 laser diodes 800 nm and 970 nm; Diode area not provided; 3 W (50% duty cycle); average power output 1.5 W; 24 J point of irradiation (16 s -calculated); 15 sites of irradiation per limb Total delivered: 360 J |
Contact Muscular pre-conditioning |
15 sites of irradiation on biceps brachii Elbow flexion (isokinetic dynamometer) |
RCT with 39 subjects (crossover study) PBM decreased discreetly maximum voluntary isometric contraction No effect of PBM on muscle tenderness No effect of PBM on muscle strength |