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. 2016 Nov 24;6(11):e012801. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012801

Table 4.

Clinical characteristics of people with T2DM (N=58 717) by ethnicity group

Characteristic White n (%) or mean (SD) (N=40 380) Asian n (%) or mean (SD) (N=5127) Black n (%) or mean (SD) (N=1858) Mixed n (%) or mean (SD) (N=483) Other n (%) or mean (SD) (N=351) Not recorded n (%) or mean (SD) (N=12 128)
Age (years) 67.5 (13.6) 58.4 (14.4) 59.6 (13.7) 60.2 (14.3) 57.5 (13.4) 66.6 (14.3)
IMD recorded 38 949 (96.5) 4888 (95.3) 1780 (95.8) 463 (95.9) 338 (96.3) 10 104 (96.1)
 IMD score* 19.4 (16.0) 27.6 (17.6) 30.8 (14.5) 24.8 (16.3) 25.9 (15.5) 19.4 (15.8)
Smoking status recorded 40 380 (99.8) 5127 (99.7) 1858 (99.9) 483 (99.6) 351 (99.7) 10 518 (97.6)
 Never 12 320 (30.5) 2812 (54.8) 1047 (56.4) 236 (48.9) 157 (44.7) 4015 (38.2)
 Current 5413 (13.4) 564 (11.0) 167 (9.0) 63 (13.0) 53 (15.1) 1225 (11.6)
 Ex-smoker 22 574 (55.9) 1737 (33.9) 642 (34.6) 182 (37.7) 140 (39.9) 5028 (47.8)
Alcohol use recorded 38 640 (95.7) 4950 (96.5) 1787 (96.2) 466 (96.5) 333 (94.9) 8632 (82.1)
 None 11 295 (28.0) 3435 (67.0) 1027 (55.3) 218 (45.1) 193 (55.0) 3331 (31.7)
 Within limits 10 284 (25.5) 726 (14.2) 428 (23.0) 118 (24.4) 68 (19.4) 2552 (24.3)
 Excess 17 061 (42.3) 789 (15.4) 332 (17.9) 130 (26.9) 72 (20.5) 2749 (26.1)
Duration of diabetes
 <4 years 11 856 (29.4) 1936 (37.8) 708 (38.1) 193 (40.0) 140 (39.9) 3680 (35.0)
 4≤x<7 years 8039 (19.9) 988 (19.3) 393 (21.2) 97 (20.1) 80 (22.8) 1919 (18.2)
 7≤x<10 years 8107 (20.1) 905 (17.7) 295 (15.9) 84 (17.4) 67 (19.1) 1863 (17.7)
 ≥10 years 12 378 (30.7) 1298 (25.3) 462 (24.9) 109 (22.6) 64 (18.2) 3056 (29.1)
HbA1c measured 39 687 (98.3) 5054 (98.6) 1819 (97.9) 472 (97.7) 342 (97.4) 10 127 (96.3)
 HbA1c (mmol/mol) 55.9 (16.3) 57.3 (16.8) 58.7 (20.6) 56.4 (17.5) 57.0 (19.0) 56.0 (16.4)
BMI measured 39 898 (98.8) 5062 (98.7) 1819 (97.9) 480 (99.4) 344 (98.0) 9954 (94.6)
 BMI (kg/m2) 31.9 (6.6) 28.4 (5.3) 31.3 (6.5) 30.4 (6.1) 29.8 (5.6) 31.5 (6.6)
Blood pressure measured 40 271 (99.7) 5104 (99.6) 1844 (99.2) 483 (100.0) 351 (100.0) 10 326 (98.2)
 SBP (mmHg) 128.2 (19.6) 120.0 (22.6) 123.5 (24.6) 126.2 (18.5) 121.0 (23.3) 118.0 (28.5)
 DBP (mmHg) 78.0 (17.1) 82.0 (21.1) 86.6 (23.6) 78.3 (16.5) 83.4 (21.8) 89.2 (26.7)

*A higher score equates to a higher level of deprivation although the scale is non-linear.

BMI, body mass index; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; IMD, index of multiple deprivation; SBP, systolic blood pressure; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.