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. 2016 Dec 1;6(12):e013336. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013336

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of men (TLGS 1999–2012)

Variables Diabetes
No diabetes
Total population
p Value* Percentage of missing data†
Age (years) 48.5 (13.3) 41.1 (13.5) 41.8 (13.7) <0.001 0
2-hour postchallenge plasma glucose(mmol/L) 7.3 (2.0) 5.5 (1.5) 5.7 (1.7) <0.001 0
Fasting plasma glucose (mmol/L) 5.6 (0.6) 5.0 (0.5) 5.0 (0.5) <0.001 0
Wrist circumference (cm) 18 (0.9) 17.6 (0.9) 17.6 (0.9) <0.001 1.2%
Waist circumferences (cm) 95.1 (11.0) 88.3 (10.7) 89.0 (10.9) <0.001 1.2%
BMI (kg/m2) 27.9 (4.1) 25.5 (3.8) 25.8 (3.9) <0.001 1.2%
Waist-to-hip ratio 0.95 (0.1) 0.91 (0.1) 0.90 (0.1) <0.001 1.2%
Waist-to-height ratio 0.56 (0.1) 0.51 (0.1) 0.50 (0.1) <0.001 1.2%
Triglyceride (mmol/L) 2.7 (2.1) 1.9 (1.3) 2.1 (1.4) <0.001 0
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 5.6 (1.1) 5.2 (1.1) 5.2 (1.1) <0.001 0
HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 0.9 (0.2) 0.9 (0.2) 0.9 (0.2) 0.196 0
Triglyceride-to-HDL ratio 5.1 (4.3) 7.4 (8.4) 5.3 (4.9) <0.001 0
Cholesterol-to-HDL ratio 6.1 (1.9) 5.5 (1.6) 5.5 (1.7) <0.001 0.1%
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (mL/min/1.73 m2) 63.2 (11.2) 67.6 (11.0) 110.9 (67.1) <0.001 0
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 126.2 (17.5) 117.4 (15.7) 118.3 (16.1) <0.001 1.4%
Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 81.6 (11.6) 76.4 (10.3) 76.9 (10.5) <0.001 1.4%
Pulse pressure (mm Hg) 44.6 (12.3) 40.9 (11.8) 41.3 (11.9) <0.001 1.4%
Mean arterial blood pressure (mm Hg) 96.3 (12.4) 90.0 (10.9) 90.7 (11.3) <0.001 1.5%
Total length of stay in the city (years) 40.7 (14.1) 34.3 (12.6) 35.0 (12.9) <0.001 0.3%
Goitre size
 Grade 0 226 (74.8) 1872 (72.5) 2098 (72.7) 0.511 0
 Grade 1 55 (18.2) 483 (18.7) 538 (18.6)
 Grade 2 21 (7.0) 228 (8.8) 249 (8.6)
History of hospitalisation until now 165 (54.6) 1260 (48.7) 1425 (49.4) 0.059 0
Family history of diabetes in first-degree relatives 108 (36.1) 611 (23.9) 719 (25.1) <0.001 0.9%
Family history of premature cardiovascular diseases in male relatives 24 (7.9) 212 (8.2) 236 (8.2) 0.876 0.9%
Family history of premature cardiovascular diseases in female relatives 34 (11.3) 179 (6.9) 213 (7.4) 0.006 0.9%
Former cigarette smoking 55 (18.2) 385 (14.9) 440 (15.2) 0.220 0
Current cigarette smoking 76 (25.1) 652 (25.2) 728 (25.2) 0.989 0
Exposed to secondhand smoke at home or at work 83 (27.5) 827 (32.0) 910 (31.5) 0.1 0
Education 0
 Level 1 (illiterate) 13 (4.3) 80 (3.1) 93 (3.2) <0.001
 Level 2 (≤5 years) 90 (29.8) 409 (15.8) 499 (17.3)
 Level 3 (6–12 years) 164 (54.3) 1573 (60.9) 1737 (60.2)
 Level 4 (13–16 years) 28 (9.3) 455 (17.6) 483 (16.7)
 Level 5 (>16 years) 7 (2.3) 66 (2.6) 73 (2.5)
Marital status 0
 Single 17 (5.6) 488 (18.9) 505 (17.5) <0.001
 Married 282 (93.4) 2081 (80.6) 2363 (81.9)
 Divorced 0 (0) 8 (0.3) 8 (0.3)
 Widowed 3 (1.0) 6 (0.2) 9 (0.3)
Physical activity levels
 Inactive‡ 215 (74.7) 1744 (71.2) 1959 (71.5) 0.217 5%
Use of the ACE inhibitors 6 (1.9) 24 (0.9) 30 (1.1) 0.134 0
Use of blood lipid-lowering drugs 11 (3.6) 37 (1.4) 48 (1.7) 0.005 0
Use of antihypertensive drugs 21 (6.9) 76 (2.9) 97 (3.4) <0.001 0
Use of aspirin 55 (19.0) 257 (11.2) 312 (11.1) <0.001 2.6%
Participating in the lifestyle intervention group 100 (33.1) 821 (31.8) 921 (31.9) 0.777 0

Figures are either mean (SD) or N (%) for continuously and categorically distributed variables, respectively, in the data set with no missing values (after imputation of missing values). Data were collected from the TLGS study between 1999 and 2012.

*Continuous and categorical variables were compared by Student's t-test and χ2, respectively.

†Per cent of missing data in the original data set.

‡Doing exercise or labour less than three times a week or performing activities achieving a lower than 600 MET.

BMI, body mass index; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; TLGS, Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study.