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. 2016 Dec 5;6(12):e013116. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013116

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the total patient sample (n=5654)

Key demographic and clinical characteristics Total national sample, N=5654
 Male 3445 (61%)
 White/White British 4590 (81%)
 Black/Black British 194 (3%)
 Asian/Asian British 273 (5%)
 Mixed or other 597 (10%)
 Mean age in years (SD) 41.2 (15.3)
Age bands (years)
 <16 44 (1%)
 16–25 1004 (18%)
 26–35 1262 (22%)
 36–45 946 (17%)
 46–55 1234 (22%)
 56–65 785 (14%)
 66 and over 379 (7%)
Severity of intellectual disability
 Mild 2973 (53%)
 Moderate 1531 (27%)
 Severe 1150 (20%)
Current ICD10 diagnoses*
 F00–F09 257 (5%)
 F10–F19 138 (2%)
 F20–F29 1005 (18%)
 F30–F39 1332 (24%)
 F40–F48 566 (10%)
 F50–F59 29 (1%)
 F60–F69 355 (6%)
 F80–F89 1592 (28%)
 F90–F98 378 (7%)
 F99 11 (<1%)
Documented psychiatric diagnoses
 None of the above 1376 (24%)
 One of the above 3061 (54%)
 Multiple 1217 (21%)
 Diagnosis documented 1328 (24%)
Clinical care setting
 ID community team 4495 (80%)
 Forensic inpatient 458 (8%)
 Specialist ID inpatient 403 (7%)
 General adult community team 209 (4%)
 Continuing care/rehabilitation 66 (1%)
 General adult acute ward 23 (<1%)

*ICD10 codes and diagnoses: F00–F09—organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders; F10–F19—Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use; F20–F29—schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders; F30–F39—mood (affective) disorders; F40–F48—neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders; F50–F59—behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors; F60–F69—disorders of adult personality and behaviour; F80–F89—disorders of psychological development; F90–F98—behavioural and emotional disorders with onset occurring in childhood and adolescence; F99—unspecified mental disorder.