Table 1.
Differential expression calls
EE | DEC | raw | sva | sva+FC | sva+FC+AE |
r-Make | limma | 7226 | 8078 | 4498 [56%] | 3058 [38%] |
edgeR | 7314 | 8720 | 4908 [56%] | 3058 [35%] | |
DESeq2 | 6974 | 8380 | 4552 [54%] | 3060 [37%] | |
Subread | limma | 9772 | 9557 | 4795 [50%] | 3016 [32%] |
edgeR | 10202 | 10522 | 5398 [51%] | 3036 [29%] | |
DESeq2 | 9308 | 9709 | 4662 [48%] | 3052 [31%] | |
TopHat2/ | limma | 8854 | 8782 | 4450 [51%] | 3058 [35%] |
Cufflinks2 | edgeR | 7329 | 7104 | 4386 [62%] | 3018 [42%] |
DESeq2 | 8536 | 8489 | 4077 [48%] | 3061 [36%] | |
SHRiMP2/ | limma | 8952 | 8276 | 4086 [49%] | 3045 [37%] |
BitSeq | edgeR | 8791 | 8663 | 4526 [52%] | 3025 [35%] |
DESeq2 | 7590 | 7878 | 3804 [48%] | 3038 [39%] | |
kallisto | limma | 8984 | 8851 | 4410 [50%] | 3022 [34%] |
edgeR | 9356 | 9284 | 4666 [50%] | 3039 [33%] | |
DESeq2 | 8016 | 8296 | 3915 [47%] | 3044 [37%] |
The table displays the number of differential expression calls, reflecting sensitivity, as obtained after specific analysis steps. For all combinations of methods for expression estimation and differential expression calling, we compare the typical numbers of genes classified as differentially expressed (q<5%). The columns show median results across sites for: raw expression estimates; expression estimates after svaseq correction; expression estimates after svaseq correction and application of additional filters for effect strength, i.e., fold-change (|log2F C|>1); and expression estimates after svaseq correction and application of additional filters for effect strength (|log2F C|>1) and minimum average expression (AE thresholds in Table 2). The last two columns also give a percentage relative to the numbers of genes found after svaseq correction and no additional filters. This highlights that the additional filtering for weak expression removes only a further 16% of genes originally classified as differentially expressed in addition to the ones already removed by the usual filters for log-fold change, affecting just 2.5% of all genes