sdpn-1 mutants disrupt recycling cargo traveling along the early endosome/recycling endosome/plasma membrane route. Laser scanning confocal micrographs of about one cell length of the C. elegans intestine expressing GFP-tagged transmembrane cargo proteins. In wild-type animals, (A) hTfR::GFP and (D) hTAC::GFP predominantly label the basolateral plasma membrane and sparse intracellular puncta. In sdpn-1(ok1667) mutants, both model cargo proteins accumulate intracellularly: (B) hTfR::GFP and (E) hTAC-GFP. (C, F) Quantification of average intracellular fluorescence intensity. Total intensity was measured for six animals for each genotype sampled in three different regions of each intestine. Localization and signal intensity remained comparable to wild type in sdpn-1(ok1667) mutants expressing MIG-14::GFP (G, H) or the unrecycled model transmembrane cargo GFP::CD4-dileucine (J, K). (I, L) Quantification of MIG-14::GFP and GFP::CD4-dileucine average fluorescence intensity. Total intensity was measured in six animals of each genotype sampled in three different regions of each intestine. Error bars represent SEM. ****p < 0.0001 (Student’s t test). Scale bar, 10 μm.