Lck-GCaMP3–detected global calcium transients at egg activation. (A) Time line of experimental approach. All fluorescent probes (mostly mRNAs) were injected at GV stage. Frog oocytes (1.4 mm in diameter) exhibit a dark-pigmented animal hemisphere and a light vegetal hemisphere. GVBD is manifested with depigmentation at the center of the animal hemisphere (“maturation spot”), where all meiosis steps occur (and are imaged). Ana I, anaphase I; MI, metaphase I; MII, metaphase II; PB, polar body; Pg, progesterone; ProM, prometaphase; red lines, spindle microtubules; blue dots, chromosomes. (B) An MII oocyte injected with mRNAs for Lck-GCaMP3 and Lck-mCherry was imaged before (00:00) and at the indicated time after prick activation. The relative position shift, as marked by the first polar body (arrows), was due to the cortical contraction characteristic of egg activation. The graph shows relative fluorescence of the cortical region surrounding the first polar body (white dotted box), with values at 00:00 set as 1 (three oocytes, two experiments). **p < 0.001.