Figure 3. CWP1 ablation blocks ER export of a CWP2HA reporter in Δcwp1/pCWP1:CWP2HA cells.
IFA and bright field microscopy of encysting WB/pCWP1:CWP2HA and Δcwp1/pCWP1:CWP2HA cells at 12 h p.I. (a) ER export of a CWP2HA reporter in WB/pCWP1:CWP2HA cells and trafficking to nascent ESVs (arrows); CWP2HA remains blocked in the ER in Δcwp1/pCWP1:CWP2HA cells. (b) Export of the CWP2HA reporter to post-ER compartments (ESVs, green; arrow) in WB/pCWP1:CWP2HA cells (the ER marker PDI2 is labelled in red); PDI2 (red) and the CWP2HA reporter (green) co-distribute in the ER of Δcwp1/pCWP1:CWP2HA cells. Nuclear DNA (blue) stained with DAPI. DIC, differential interference contrast. Scale bar: 10 μm.