Figure 2.
Line graph reporting dN-dS values estimated for each codon position in database 1–2 (i.e. PCV2a before and after vaccination introduction) (a), 3–4 (i.e. PCV2b before and after vaccination introduction) (b) and 5–6 (PCV2 strains detected in domestic pigs and wild boars) (c). For clarity reasons only FUBAR results are reported. Sites detected to be under statistically significant positive selection by MEME or by at least two other methods are reported as colour coded circle (i.e. pre-vaccination groups in a and b and wild boars in c) or triangle (i.e. post-vaccination groups in a and b and domestic pigs in c), while sites detected under different diversifying selection through site-by-site comparison are reported as asterisks. Epitopes experimentally discovered by Trible et al.46 (blue), Lekcharoensuk et al.47 (red), Mahe et al.44 (green), Ge et al.63 (black) are symbolized by segments.