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. 2016 Dec 5;8(3):147–160.

Table V.

— Reasons for Travel and EU Attitudes (Showing Statistically Significant Responses Between those with Reason and Those without Reason Only)

Couldn’t Get Access In Home Country
Not a Reason Difference between CBRC and Spain Reason for CB Travel Difference Between Those with Reason and Those without Difference Among all Three groups
The EU and all countries around the world should have uniform laws which:- CBRC (N=211) SPAIN (n=45) Chi-square Test p-value CRBC (N=41) Chi-square Test p-value Chi-square Test p-value
Allow all people to be treated for infertility 49 95 .00 66 0.03 0.00
Allow all people to use donated gametes and embryos 48 96 .00 70 .02 0.00
Wanted Anonymous Donors
Not a Reason Difference between CBRC and Spain Reason for CB Travel Difference Between Those with Reason and Those without Difference Among all Three groups
The EU and all countries around the world should have uniform laws which:- CBRC (N=175) SPAIN (n=45) Chi-square Test p-value CRBC (N=77) Chi-square Test p-value Chi-square Test p-value
Require anonymity of donors 18 71 0.00 42 0.00 0.00
Wanted Gametes Could Not Get in Home Country
Not a Reason Difference between CBRC and Spain Reason for CB Travel Difference Between Those with Reason and Those without Difference Among all Three groups
The EU and all countries around the world should have uniform laws which:- CBRC (N=208) SPAIN (n=45) Chi-square Test p-value CRBC (N=46 Chi-square Test p-value Chi-square Test p-value
Allow all people to be treated for infertility 48 96 0.00 70 0.00 0.00
Allow all people to use donated gametes and embryos 43 82 * 65 0.01 0.00
Tried in home country and Unsuccessful
Not a Reason Difference between CBRC and Spain Reason for CB Travel Difference Between Those with Reason and Those without Difference Among all Three groups
The EU and all countries around the world should have uniform laws which:- CBRC (N=162) SPAIN (n=45) Chi-square Test p-value CBRC (N=90) Chi-square Test p-value Chi-square Test p-value
Allow all people to use surrogates 27 58 * 41 0.01 0.00
Find a quicker way to offer services to people with infertility problems 44 84 0.00 59 0.02 0.00
Reduce the costs of assisted reproductive technologies and the use of donors 44 87 0.00 61 0.01 0.00
Require anonymity of donors 21 71 0.00 32 0.04 0.00
Give people who need donor assistance to create their families the ability to make their own individual choices 39 80 0.00 51 0.04 0.00
* Not significant at .05 level