Figure 2. EGFR activity is important for SMF-induced cell growth inhibition.
(A) Representative Western blots are shown to compare the level of EGFR and pEGFR in five different cell lines. Samples were loaded in duplicate. (B) 0.05T and 1T SMFs do not affect CHO cells. Relative cell numbers of CHO cells after 3 days treatment in 0, 0.05, or 1T SMFs are shown. (C) Representative Western blots comparing CHO cells and CHO cells stably expressing wild-type EGFR (CHO-EGFR-Flag) or kinase-dead EGFR (CHO-EGFR-D837A-Flag). Anti-EGFR and anti-Flag antibodies show expression of EGFR-Flag, and anti-tubulin antibody shows loading control. (D) Doubling time of CHO, CHO-EGFR-Flag and CHO-EGFR-D837A-Flag cells show that CHO-EGFR-Flag grows faster than CHO. (E) 0.05T and 1T SMFs reduce cell number in CHO-EGFR-Flag but not the kinase-dead mutant. Relative cell numbers of CHO-EGFR-Flag or CHO-EGFR-D837A-Flag cells after 3 days treatment in 0, 0.05 or 1T SMFs are shown. (F) Representative Western blots to examine the downstream components of EGFR in CHO-EGFR-Flag cells. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ns, not significant.