Figure 6. AMOT130 but not AMOT80 inhibits transformed growth of OSC cells.
A. OVCAR3 and OAW28 OSC cells transfected with FLAG-AMOT80, FLAG-AMOT130 or empty control vector (Vec) were plated in soft agar and assessed for soft agar colony formation. Results represent % vector control +/− SEM. N=3. *p<0.05 compared to vector control. B. Effect of FLAG-AMOT130 and FLAG-AMOT80 on growth of OSC cells in non-adherent oncosphere culture. OVCAR3 and OAW28 transfectants expressing FLAG-AMOT80, FLAG-AMOT130 or empty control vector were grown in oncosphere culture. Micrographs show representative colonies. C. Quantitative analysis of clonal expansion efficiency of OVCAR3 and OAW28 transfectants expressing FLAG-AMOT80, FLAG-AMOT130 or empty control vector. Results represent clonal expansion expressed as percent of total cells expanding. *p<0.05 compared to control vector cells using Chi-square analysis.