Figure 4. The making of a functional neuronal network.
(A) Common mechanisms for neurogenesis: Polarized neuroepithelial cells (red) undergo EMT-like transition to become Neuroblasts (green) which generate GMCs (purple). GMCs produce post-mitotic neurons (blue) that form adult neuronal circuits. (B) Common mechanisms to generate neuronal diversity: (B’) Spatial patterning of the neuroepithelium illustrated by the expression of Optix and Vsx1 (Gold and Brand 2014). (B”) Temporal patterning of neuroblasts. In the OPC, neuroblasts sequentially express a series of transcription factors, Hth (red), Ey (blue), Slp (green), D (orange) and Tll (not represented) as they age (arrows) (Li et al. 2013). (B”’) Notch-dependent binary cell fate choices during the division of GMCs. Only one of the two daughter cells (red clone, dashed line) receives Notch activity and expresses Apterous (green), while the other does not (Li et al. 2013).