Figure 3.
Adamdec1 is up-regulated in the intestine during a chemical induced colitis. Loss of Adamdec1 results in an increased systemic response to dextran sodium sulphate [DSS]. Adamdec1-/- and Adamdec1+/+ [wild-type] mice were exposed to 7 days of 2% DSS. a. Quantitative PCR of Adamdec1 relative to housekeeping gene Ppia in the colon of wild-type mice culled at set time points during and after the DSS challenge [n = 3–4 at each time point]. b. The change in original body weight and c. survival curves show that Adamdec1-/- mice experience significantly greater weight loss and a higher rate of mortality, as defined as loss of > 15% of body weight, than Adamdec1+/+ mice following exposure to DSS [combination of four experiments, n = 25 mice per genotype]. d. Serum IL-6, IL-1β, TNF, INFγ, KC [IL-8], and IL-10 were measured in naïve mice, Days 7 and 10, and 14 days after DSS, in tail bleed and cardiac puncture serum [n = 5 mice per group, these results have been verified in a second cohort, data not shown]. A significant increase in the serum cytokines IL-1β and IL-6 is seen by Days 10 and 14, whereas IL-10 was lower in Adamdec1-/- compared with Adamdec1+/+ mice. Results shown are mean ± standard error of the mean [SEM]. [*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001; two-tailed, unpaired t test.]