Figure 2.
Coactivator p300 enhances Bel1/Tas-mediated activation. Transient expression assays were performed with pGL3-luc plasmids containing the internal PFV BRE promoter (-1 to -192) after transfection of the pCMV-bel1s expression plasmid alone or separate cotransfection with p300FL and p300C expression plasmids [4]. Normalized luc activities are shown as fold activation in upper panels (for details, see Methods). Expression levels of Bel1/Tas and p300 proteins after cotransfection of 293T cells with increasing p300FL and p300C DNA concentrations and pbel1s DNA of 1.0 μg. Aliquots of the cellular lysates used for luc assays shown in upper panel were in parallel subjected to immunoblot analysis with monoclonal antibody against the FLAG epitope of the p300FL protein (lower left panel), and against the p300C protein (lower right hand panel). Polyclonal antibody against Bel1 was used for Bel1/Tas expression (bottom lanes in lower panels).