Figure 2.
The E-box transcription factor TCF4 is required for BPDCN viability. A) BPDCN cells were infected with either control or TCF4 shRNAs. Shown is the fraction of live, shRNA expressing (GFP+) cells over time after shRNA induction, compared to the un-induced day 0. B) RT Q-PCR was used to measure the level of TCF4 mRNA in BPDCN cells, after induction of the indicated shRNAs for 1 day. The B2M gene was used as housekeeping control. C) Western-blot analysis of Tcf4 expression 24 hr after the induction of the indicated shRNAs. Actin was used as loading control. The TCF4 targets BCL2, MYC and TLR9 are also shown. D) A representative flow cytometry stain for active Caspase-3 and cleaved Parp1 is shown for Cal-1 cells at day4 post shRNA induction. E) Cal-1 cells were infected with either Ctrl or TCF4 shRNAs. Shown is the fraction of apoptotic cells, for both GFP− and GFP+ (shRNA expressing) populations. Time points refer to days post shRNA induction. F) Cal-1 cells were infected with either Ctrl or TCF4 shRNAs. For each cell cycle phase, the normalized ratio between GFP+ (shRNA expressing) and GFP- cells is shown. Time points refer to days post shRNA induction. Error bars represent SEM of triplicates. See also Figure S2.