Fig. 8.
Illustration of TRBF measurements and OCT image results: (a) single path-length encoded circular OCT intensity B-scan of circumpapillary scan of the eye of a healthy volunteer. (b) Circular OCT intensity B-scans (5-times averaged) for all three channels (active: middle image; passive: upper and lower image). White numbers indicate vessels accounted for TRBF determination. (c) ONH centered color fundus photo. White circular arrow indicates the beam path of the active channel. Numbers, arrows and angular values indicate the respective vessels as well as their orientation of blood flow (veins: turquoise; arteries: black). (d) Cropped circular intensity OCT B-scan of vessel ROI of passive channel. (e) Phase difference image of same ROI as in (d). (f) Transparent overlay of (d) and (e). Scale bars (a), (b): 1 mm (horizontally), 0.2 mm (vertically). Scale bars (d), (e), (f): 100 μm.