Fig. 2.
Comparison of diagnostic odds ratios: ML models vs. HSROC model. (A) Box and whisker plots of ratio of DORs between models (HSROC model estimate as reference). (B) Scatter plot of ratio of DORs between models (HSROC model estimate as reference). [ ] Denotes reference number for five reviews responsible for most of the extreme differences of DOR. DOR, diagnostic odds ratio; E-ML, equal-weight Moses–Littenberg; HSROC, hierarchical SROC; max, maximum ratio of DORs; mean threshold, point on the SROC curve near to the center of the data; min, minimum ratio of DORs; ML, Moses–Littenberg; p75, ratio of DORs at the 75th percentile; p50, ratio of DORs at the 50th percentile (median); p25, ratio of DORs at the 25th percentile; Q*, point on SROC curve where sensitivity = specificity; SROC, summary receiver operating characteristic; W-ML, Moses–Littenberg model weighted by inverse variance of D.