Table 4.
Paths from Sociodemographics and Family and Child Factors to Alcohol Attitudes
Positive Expectancies | Perceived Risk | |
| ||
Multivariable β(SE) | Multivariable β(SE) | |
Sociodemographics | ||
Male | .100(.01)*** | .003(.01) |
Ethnicitya | ||
Asian British | −.133(.02)*** | .045(.01)*** |
Black British | −.037(.01)** | .057(.01)*** |
Other British | −.051(.01)*** | .017(.01) |
Age 11+ Years at Interview | .039(.01)** | .004(.01) |
UK Countryb | ||
Scotland | −.020(.01) | .024(.01) |
Wales | .015(.01)* | .006(.01) |
N. Ireland | −.034(.01)*** | .036(.01)*** |
Parents Married | −.021(.01) | .032(.01)* |
Parent Education | −.007(.01) | .016(.01) |
Mother <20 Years at Child Birth | .001(.02) | .019(.02) |
Family Factors | ||
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure | .008(.01) | −.007(.02) |
Parent(s’) Alcohol Problems | .006(.01) | −.044(.02)** |
Parent-Child Closeness | .008(.01) | .031(.02) |
Parent-Child Conflict | .031(.01)* | −.011(.02) |
Child Factors | ||
Cognitive Skills | .022(.01) | .101(.02)*** |
Conduct Problems | .010(.02) | −.007(.02) |
Hyperactivity | .008(.02) | −.004(.02) |
Emotional Symptoms | −.026(.01) | .009(.02) |
Peer Problems | −.015(.02) | .012(.02) |
Prosocial Behavior | −.008(.01) | .017(.02) |
Internalizing Problems | .031(.01)** | .017(.02) |
Note. Estimates shown are the final model. Standardized beta coefficients are reported, with standard errors in parentheses. χ2 = 17.29, p = .79, RMSEA = .00 (90% CI = .00 – .01), CFI = 1.00, SRMR = .003.
p < .05,
p < .01,
p < .001.
White British is the reference category.
England is the reference category.