Age (Years) |
50-59 |
60-69 |
70-79 |
Race/Ethnicity |
White |
Black |
Hispanic |
Other |
Body Mass Index (BMI, kg/m2) |
Normal, <25 |
Overweight, 25-<30 |
Obese >=30 |
Current Smoker |
No |
Yes |
Alcohol use |
Nondrinker |
<=7 drinks/week |
>7 drinks/week |
Physical activity (Tertiles, METs/week) |
<2.5 |
2.5-10.5 |
>=10.5 |
Bilateral oophorectomy |
No |
Yes |
Vasomotor symptoms |
None |
Mild |
Moderate |
Severe |
History of hyperlipidemia (self-report or medications) |
No |
Yes |
Hypertension (self-report of treated hypertension or high blood pressure) |
No |
Yes |
Treated for diabetes |
No |
Yes |
Total vitamin D (dietary and supplements, IU/day) |
200 |
400 |
600 |
Total calcium (dietary, supplements, medications, mg/day) |
800 |
1200 |
1600 |