ChAT-ir profiles in the cortex and olfactory tubercle of Sus scrofa
domesticus: ChAT-ir multipolar neurons (black arrows) within layers
V and VI of the cingulate cortex (A), layers III and V of insular
cortex (B), and layer III of the piriform cortex (C).
Varicose ChAT-ir fibers within piriform cortex (black arrows) (D).
P75NTR-ir neuron and fibers (black arrows) in the cingulate
cortex (E). ChAT-ir neurons and neuropil within the olfactory
tubercle (F). Tissue in panels A-C and F were counterstained with
cresyl violet. Scale bar: 100 μm in A, B, and C; 25 μm in D, E,
F. Insets: 40x A, B, C.