Figure 2. Morphometric analysis of hepatocyte cell area in response to partial hepatectomy.
Representative H&E-stained sections of livers isolated from WT, DLKO and TLKO mice before (T=0) and after PH (2, 4 and 6 days). Morphometric analysis of cell area was analyzed as described in Material and Methods. Original magnification ×200. The bottom graph shows the computed-assisted quantification of hepatocyte cell area (mean) before and after PH. Mean ± S.E.M is shown. *P<0.05 vs. 0 days of the same experimental group, #P<0.001 vs. 0, 4 and 6 days of the same experimental group, &P<0.05 vs. 0 and 6 days of the same experimental group and φP<0.001 vs. 0 and 2 days of the same experimental group. The n varies from 2 to 10 among the different experimental groups due to the mortality associated with the DLKO condition.