Figure 3.
Development of ICC in AKT/Jag1 mice. (a) Left panel: 8 weeks post-injection the liver of AKT/Jag1 mice shows the presence of small cystic lesions (indicated by arrows) appearing paler than the surrounding liver parenchyma. These lesions increase in size and number 11 weeks post injection (middle panel), occupying the whole liver by 14 weeks post injection (right panel). (b) Left panel: at microscopic level the liver of AKT/Jag1 mice is occupied by numerous lipid-rich preneoplastic lesions equivalent to those detected in AKT mice. However, some cholangiocellular lesions (indicated by arrows) start to emerge. At higher magnification, these lesions are characterized by the presence of solid parts and pseudoglandular formations (the latter indicated by asterisks). With time these lesions occupy the liver parenchyma and tend to form large cysts (middle and right panel). Original magnifications in b: × 40 and × 200.