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. 2016 Dec 1;19(6):485–494. doi: 10.1089/rej.2015.1791

Table 1.

Neuropsychological Assessment at Baseline and Three Follow-Up Phases by Group

Instrument Healthy MCI AD Description
MMSE30 * * * Assessment of global cognitive abilities
Score range: 0–30
Supra-span of Corsi31 N.A. * * Assessment of orientation and spatial attention
Cut-off point: 3.50
Backward and forward span32 * * * Assessment of span of immediate verbal recall and working memory
Cut-off point: 3.75
List of words33 * N.A. N.A. Assessment of memory and learning processes of a list of words
Score range: 0–12
Prose memory test34 N.A. * * Assessment of the long-term memory on immediate recall
Score range: 0–16
Cut-off point = 4.75
Word pairing learning test35 N.A. * * Assessment of verbal memory and learning of word pairs
Score range: 0–22.5
Cut-off point: 8.73
Attentive matrices34 * * * Assessment of selective and the sustained attention
Score range: 0–60
Cut-off point: 31
Semantic word fluency test36 N.A. * * Assessment of lexical access and semantic fluency. Subjects are required to say words for a specific category (for example, fruits, animals)
Cut-off point: 25
Phonemic word fluency test36 * * * Assessment of lexical access and phonemic fluency. Subjects are required to produce words beginning with a particular letter of the alphabet.
Cut-off point: 17.35
ADAS37 N.A. N.A. * Assessment of cognitive decline in dementia. It consists of 12 sub-tests for evaluation of memory, orientation, language, praxis, attention, and concentration. They are divided as following: word recall task, naming objects and fingers, commands, constructional praxis, ideational praxis, orientation, word recognition task, language, comprehension of spoken language, word-finding difficulty, and remembering test instructions.
Score range: 0–70
Clinical Dementia Rating Scale38 N.A. * * Assessment of overall dementia severity
Score range: 0–5
GDS-3039 * * * Assessment of mood status and depression
Score range: 0–30
Cut-off point: 10
PSS40 * * N.A. Assessment of perceived psychological stress. It comprises 14 items and its questions asked about feelings and thoughts during the last month.
Score range: 0–56
Scores above mean indicated high stress level.
ADL41 * * * Assessment of functional status of basic activities of daily living
Score range: 0–6
IADL42 * * * Assessment of functional status of IADL
Score range: 0–8
MAC-Q43 * * N.A. Assessment of daily activities and overall memory functioning comparing the present moment with the past. It was designed to assess subjective memory complaints.
Score range: 7–35
Cut-off point: 25
Questionnaire of confidence33 * N.A. N.A. Assessment of subjective confidence in own cognition and memory
Score range: 5–15

A decrease of the scores of ADAS, perceived stress scale, and MAC-Q scales represent an improvement of performance in the relevant area of assessment.


Instrument administered to this group.

AD, Alzheimer's disease; ADAS, Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; IADL, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living; MAC-Q, Memory Assessment Complain Questionnaire; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MMSE, Mini Mental State Examination; N.A., not applicable (not administered to this group); PSS, Perceived Stress Scale.