Figure 4.
Interactions within the Fab-RNA binding interface. (a). Dimerization of the oligonucleotide observed in crystal lattice. The symmetry-related molecule is shown in pale color, with primes after its nucleotide numbers. (b–f) Close-up views of Fab-RNA interactions involving (b) CDR-L2, U2 and A3; (c) CDR-H3, U4, G5 and C12 (d) CDR-H3, C6, A7 and U8; (e) CDR-H2, A9 and G10; (f) CDR-H3, G10 and G11. Dashed lines with numbers indicating distances in Å: black – Fab-RNA hydrogen bonds, yellow – GC-pair hydrogen bonds, red – electrostatic, orange – hydrophobic. Residue color code matches Figure 3b.