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. 2016 Nov 3;43(1):147–168. doi: 10.1037/xhp0000284

Table 1. Overview of Planned Comparisons to Explore the Effect of the Previous Gamble on the Start RT of the Gambling Task in Experiments 1–5.

Experiment diff Lower CI Upper CI t p gav BF
Note. RT = reaction time; diff = difference; CI = confidence interval; gav = Hedge’s average g; BF = Bayes factor, which is an odds ratio: It is the probability of the data under one hypothesis relative to that under another. Evidence categories for Bayes Factor: BF < .33 = substantial evidence for Hypothesis (H)0; 1/3–1 = anecdotal evidence for H0; 1 = no evidence; 1–3 = anecdotal evidence for HA; 3–10 = substantial evidence for HA; BF > 10 = strong to decisive evidence for HA. H0 = no difference between the trial types; HA = a difference between the trial types. We calculated the Bayes factors with the BayesFactor package in R, using the default prior (.707). Experiment 1, df = 19; Experiments 2–5, df = 39.
Experiment 1
 Nongamble vs. gambled loss 184 141 227 8.905 <.001 1.057 4.15 × 105
 Nongamble vs. gambled win 96 48 145 4.181 .001 .482 66.17
 Gambled loss vs. gambled win −87 −132 −42 −4.080 .001 .498 54.10
Experiment 2
 Nongamble vs. gambled loss 67 42 92 5.376 <.001 .482 4,913
 Nongamble vs. gambled win 28 −1 57 1.936 .060 .184 .92
 Gambled loss vs. gambled win −39 −68 −9 −2.662 .011 .265 3.69
Experiment 3
 Nongamble vs. gambled loss 160 121 199 8.321 <.001 .895 3.04 × 107
 Nongamble vs. gambled win 49 1 97 2.080 .044 .231 1.18
 Gambled loss vs. gambled win −111 −170 −52 −3.819 <.001 .529 60.15
Experiment 4
 Nongamble vs. gambled loss 48 26 69 4.453 <.001 .306 340.50
 Nongamble vs. gambled win −33 −56 −10 −2.952 .005 .205 7.02
 Gambled loss vs. gambled win −81 −111 −51 −5.517 <.001 .522 7,459
Experiment 5
 Nongamble vs. gambled loss 28 −7 62 1.616 .114 .112 .56
 Nongamble vs. gambled win 12 −14 37 .938 .354 .048 .26
 Gambled loss vs. gambled win −16 −50 19 −.930 .358 .065 .26