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. 2016 Nov 3;43(1):147–168. doi: 10.1037/xhp0000284

Table C4. Overview of the Probability of Gambling as a Function of the Median Split (Rating ≤ Median Rating or > Median Rating) and the Preceding Gambling Trial in Experiment 2.

Nongamble Loss Gambled win
Statement ≤Median >Median ≤Median >Median ≤Median >Median
Note.SD in parentheses.
“I was pleased with the outcome of the previous trial.” .59 (.21) .55 (.21) .51 (.22) .49 (.20) .54 (.22) .49 (.21)
“I think my chances of winning on the next trial have increased.” .56 (.22) .58 (.20) .47 (.21) .54 (.20) .53 (.21) .50 (.22)