(A) PCR verification of expected 225 bp target length amplicon. Lane M, 50 bp DNA ladder (Molecular weight marker XIII, Roche); lanes Sm, S. mansoni DNA (1 ng); lane N, negative control (no DNA template). (B) Detection limit of PCR. Lane M, 50 bp DNA ladder (Molecular weight marker XIII, Roche); lane Sm: S. mansoni DNA (1 ng); lanes 10−1–10−9: 10-fold serially dilutions of S. mansoni DNA; lane N, negative control (no DNA template). (C) Specificity of PCR. Lane M, 50 bp DNA ladder (Molecular weight marker XIII, Roche); lanes Sm, Sh, Sj, Si, Sb, Fh, Dd, S. mansoni, S. haematobium, S. japonicum, S. intercalatum, S. bovis, Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum DNA samples (1 ng/each), respectively; lane N, negative control (no DNA template).