Figure 7.
Functional analysis of RAPC injected after ischemia/reperfusion injury. (A)[i] Patent peritubular capillary cross sections (red arrowheads) at baseline (BL), five days, ten days and twenty days after ischemia/reperfusion injury. 10 days after injury, IRI+RAPC vs IRI+veh (3.44±0.26 [n=6] vs. 1.40±0.39 [n=6]; *, p=0.016, [4 groups compared pairwise, CI 1.47–2.61]), IRI+RAPC vs IRI+MSC (3.44±0.26 [n=6] vs 2.07±0.13 [n=6]; *, p<0.001 [CI 0.79–1.95]) and, 20 days after injury, IRI+RAPC vs IRI+veh (4.14±0.39 [n=6] vs 2.90±0.12 [n=6]; *, p<0.001 [CI 0.78–1.71]), IRI+RAPC vs IRI+MSC (4.14±0.39 vs 3.20±0.35 [n=6]; **, p<0.001 [CI 0.48–1.39]) respectively, (low power scale bar=50micrometers; high power scale bar=20micrometers) [ii] Capillary quantification (peritubular capillaries per tubular lumen) via fluosphere nanoparticle injection 20 days after injury, IRI+RAPC vs IRI+veh (4.52±0.34 [n=5] vs 3.06±0.43 [n=5]; *, p=0.005 [CI 0.31–2.09]), IRI+RAPC vs IRI+MSC (3.22±0.32 [n=5]; **, p=0.03 [CI 0.04–2.01]) (low power scale bar=50micrometers; high power scale bar=10micrometers). (B) Serum creatinine in animals 10 days after injury in IRI+RAPC vs IRI+veh (0.41±0.08 [n=6] vs 0.85±0.12 [n=6]; *, p<0.001, CI −0.56 to −0.30), IRI+RAPC vs IRI+MSC (0.41±0.08 [n=6] vs 0.65±0.04 [n=6]; **, p=0.001, CI −0.37 to −0.11), and 20 days after injury, IRI+RAPC vs IRI+veh (0.21±0.01 [n=6] vs 0.65±0.02 [n=6]; *, p<0.001, CI −0.62 to −0.27), and IRI+RAPC vs IRI+MSC (0.21±0.01 [n=6] vs 0.18±0.08 [n=6]; p=NS) respectively. (C) Gadolinium contrast intensity (arbitrary units) over initial 60% of time interval (AUC60) obtained by DCE-MRI in animals 20 days after IRI, comparing IRI+RAPC vs IRI+veh (9.84±0.46 [n=5] vs. 6.57±0.47 [n=5]; *, p<0.001 [6 groups compared pairwise, CI 2.36–4.18]) IRI+RAPC vs IRI+MSC (9.84±0.46 [n=5] vs 8.42±0.40 [n=5]; **, p=0.001, CI 0.50–2.33) and respectively.