Figure 1.
Effect of continuous-flow left ventricular assist device (CF-LVAD) support on endothelial stability and angiogenesis. CF-LVAD support leads to thrombin activation, which in turn upregulates endothelial angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) expression. Ang-2 competitively blocks angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) at the level of Tie-2 receptor promoting destabilization of endothelium, and favors angiogenesis in presence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). ADAMTS13, ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 13; PAR1, protease-activated receptor 1; VWF, von Willebrand factor; WPB, Weibel-Palade body.