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. 2016 May 16;18(16):4407–4419. doi: 10.1039/c6gc01147k

Fig. 6. Petroleum substances induce group-specific differentially expressed genes. Targeted gene expression analysis using TempO-Seq, was applied to determine petroleum substance and group-specific effects on hepatic gene expression patterns. ma plots show the change in the average level of each transcript of the s1500+ gene set for a representative straight-run gas oil (CON-02) and a heavy fuel oil (A087/13) relative to the respective averages determined for dmso controls (a), with differentially expressed genes (degs) highlighted in red. Although the specific differentially expressed genes varied among the different petroleum substances, the overall treatment effect was found to be correlated (r 2 = 0.49) (b). Data points in b represent individual transcripts, and the different colors indicate if each gene is common (pink) or unique (aqua, black) to CON-02 and A087/13. Principal components analysis of global changes in gene expression revealed a clustering trend of petroleum substances, with the heavy fuel oil separating significantly from the other chemicals (c). [Deg = differentially expressed genes; ns = not significant; VHGO = vacuum & hydrotreated gas oils; SRGO = straight run gas oils; HFO = heavy fuel oils].

Fig. 6