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. 2016 Nov 16;105(1):32–41. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.116.141390


Participant characteristics1

Entire sample Children 7–9 y of age Children 10–12 y of age
Participants, n 78 41 37
Age, y 9.5 ± 1.63 8.1 ± 0.78 10.97 ± 0.75
Female 51.28 (40) 52.5 (21) 50 (19)
Breastfed (exclusively) 46.05 (35) 43.59 (17) 48.65 (18)
Mixed-fed 37.18 (29) 39.02 (16) 35.14 (13)
Formula-fed (exclusively) 18.42 (14) 20.51 (8) 16.22 (6)
Maternal education
 Less than high school diploma 1.33 (1) 0 2.78 (1)
 High school diploma 21.33 (16) 23.08 (9) 19.44 (7)
 Some college 10.67 (8) 12.82 (5) 8.33 (3)
 College degree 42.67 (32) 43.59 (17) 41.67 (15)
 Master’s degree 22.67 (17) 20.51 (8) 25 (9)
 Professional degree 1.33 (1) 0 2.78 (1)
Physical activity (C-PAQ), min/d
 Vigorous activity 47.9 ± 37.24 43.63 ± 34.36 52.92 ± 40.31
 Moderate activity 94.51 ± 65.79 97.16 ± 63.32 91.57 ± 69.21
 Light activity 11.82 ± 14.66 11.21 ± 14.81 12.5 ± 14.66
 Sedentary time 386.83 ± 204.73 371.59 ± 193.7 403.77 ± 217.84
Plasma n–6:n–3 ratio 11.68 ± 2.34 11.55 ± 2.63 11.87 ± 1.96
Plasma n–6, μmol 4.96 ± 1.19 4.89 ± 1.41 5.06 ± 0.8
Plasma n–3, μmol 0.44 ± 0.14 0.45 ± 0.17 0.44 ± 0.1
Dietary n–6:n–3 ratio 9.75 ± 3.17 9.68 ± 3.21 9.84 ± 3.15
Dietary n–6 intake, g 13.38 ± 5.24 13.16 ± 5.27 13.63 ± 5.26
Dietary n–3 intake, g 1.49 ± 0.71 1.5 ± 0.8 1.48 ± 0.6

Values are means ± SDs or frequencies (n). There were no statistically significant differences between the 2 age groups on any demographic or fatty acid variables. Supplemental Table 1 shows the mean (SD) for each n–6 and n–3 fatty acid. C-PAQ, Child Physical Activity Questionnaire.