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. 2016 Dec 15;14(4):850. doi: 10.18549/PharmPract.2016.04.850

Table 1.

Estimates of Theory of Planned Behavior bootstrapped multiple regressions (N = 410)

Regressor Model
1 2 3
Intercept 0.545
0.009 (0.521)
[-0.482, 1.578]
-0.140 (0.672)
[-2.281, 0.365]
-0.007 (0.885)
[-2.018, 1.497]
Attitudes (score) -0.052
0.004 (0.053)
[-0.157, 0.060]
0.030 (0.053)
[-0.177, 0.045]
0.005 (0.053)
[-0.182, 0.48]
Subjective Norms (score) 0.287
-0.001 (0.072)***
[0.155, 0.424]
-0.002 (0.071)***
[0.151, 0.414]
-0.004 (0.069)***
[0.156, 0.407]
Perceived Behavioral Control (score) 0.564
-0.003 (0.042)***
[0.484, 0.636]
-0.004 (0.046)***
[0.457, 0.624]
-0.004 (0.044)***
[0.463, 0.622]
Knowledge (score) 0.181
0 (0.065)***
[0.053, 0.312]
0.001 (0.069)**
[0.033, 0.305]
Expectation (score) 0.033
0.001 (0.02)*
[-0.005, 0.075]
0.001 (0.020)**
[0.002, 0.081]
Gender 0.085
-0.007 (0.202)
[-0.306, 0.451]
Age -0.089
0.000 (0.093)
[-0.282, 0.098]
Ethnicity -0.347
0.005 (0.116)***
[-0.585, -0.102]
Current use of VAS 0.003
0.001 (0.223)
[-0.452, 0.430]
Frequency of medicines collections in the past 6 months 0.010
-0.001 (0.130)
[-0.234, 0.258]
Educational status -0.049
0.005 (0.154)
[-0.376, 0.260]
Occupational sector -0.067
0.000 (0.065)
[-0.197, 0.064]
Monthly income -0.101
0.000 (0.162)
[-0.388, 0.216]
Current number of medicines prescribed 0.152
-0.002 (0.133)
[-0.097, 0.406]
Adjusted R-square 0.737 0.743 0.747
R-square 0.739 0.739 0.739
Standard error of Estimate 1.884 1.862 1.847

Note: Bootstrap results are based on 5000 samples.***, **, and * denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% levels (2-tailed). Figures in boldface denote the unstandardized coefficients (beta). Figures in italics denote the estimated bias. Figures in parentheses (·) denote robust standard errors and [·] denote BCa 95% confidence intervals. Model 1, 2 and 3 excluded item P8 in summation of the Attitude composite score. Regression method: Enter, Hierarchical.