Figure 6.
β Cell mass and β cell proliferation were not reduced in βHT-IRS2 mice at 10 days. (A) Body weights of control and βHT-IRS2 mice. Values are means ± SE of data obtained from the analysis of control (black bar, n = 4) and βHT-IRS2 mice (white bar, n = 4). (B) Random blood glucose levels of control and βHT-IRS2 mice. Values are means ± SE of data obtained from the analysis of control (black bar, n = 4) and βHT-IRS2 mice (white bar, n = 4). (C) Histological analysis of pancreatic islets (left) and quantitation of β cell mass (right) in control and βHT-IRS2 mice at 10 days. Representative islets viewed on a computer monitor are shown. Results are shown as area of β cell mass. Values are means ± SE of data obtained from the analysis of control (black bar, n = 4) and βHT-IRS2 mice (white bar, n = 4). Original magnification, ×200. (D) BrdU incorporation into β cell nuclei of control and βHT-IRS2 mice. Results are shown as the percentage of cells that had incorporated BrdU. Values are means ± SE of data obtained from the analysis of control (black bar, number of islets = 67) and βHT-IRS2 mice (white bar, number of islets = 58). Original magnification, ×400 (upper panels); ×600 (lower panels). Arrowheads indicate cells that have incorporated BrdU.