Figure 2.
Growth and nutrient homeostasis of the fIrs2:cr2 mice. (A) Male littermates fed regular or low-fat chow were weighed weekly from postnatal day 21 until 32 weeks of age; each point represents the average ± SE of at least 6 mice. Omitted error bars are smaller than the symbol. (B) Food intake was determined with 8-week-old male mice over 24 hours using a Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System; average ± SE for 4 animals per genotype is reported. (C) Cumulative water intake was determined with 8-week-old male mice over 24 hours using a Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System; average ± SE for 3 animals per genotype is reported. (D) Average lean and fat body mass ± SE was determined on three 8-week-old male of the indicated genotypes using a dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scanner (GE Medical Systems Lunar) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (E) Average ± SE plasma insulin and leptin levels were determined on at least fifteen 8-week-old random fed male mice of each genotype using a rat insulin or mouse leptin ELISA Kit. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.