Figure 1. TbTim17-RNAi affects presequence-containing and carrier proteins.
(a) Growth of the uninduced and induced TbTim17-RNAi cell line in SILAC medium. (lower) Immunoblot demonstrating the ablation of TbTim17 during TbTim17-RNAi when assayed in SILAC medium. EF1a is shown as a loading control. (b) The TbTim17-RNAi cell line was subjected to SILAC-based quantitative MS comparing protein abundances in induced versus uninduced cells. For proteins quantified in at least two of three independent biological replicates, the mean log10 of normalized (norm.) ratios (induced/uninduced) was plotted against the −log10 P value (two-sided t-test). A t-test significance level of 0.05 is indicated by the dashed horizontal line. Vertical dashed lines mark a fold-change in protein abundance of ±1.5. For a complete list of proteins, see Supplementary Data 1. (c) Relative (rel.) abundances of all proteins from the OM proteome, the preliminary cluster of IM proteins and predicted MTS-containing proteins that were detected by quantitative MS in TbTim17 RNAi experiments. (d) Individual abundance ratios (induced/uninduced) of all MCPs detected in the experiment shown in b. For MCP20, no P value (two-sided t-test) was assigned since the protein was only detected in two of the three biological replicates. Scale bar, s.d.; *, 0.05≥P≥0.01; **, 0.01≥P≥0.001; ***, 0.001≥P.