Figure 6. RAF1 ablation correlates with decreased YAP1 and GP130 protein turnover in Hep3B cells, primary hepatocytes (P-HEPS), and DIH.
(a-c) qPCR analysis showing the expression of the YAP1 and Gp130 genes in Hep3B (a), P-HEPS (b) and DIH (c). qPCR data represent the mean (±s.e.m.) of three independent experiments; according to Student's t test. (d-f) Cells were treated with cycloheximide for the indicated amount of time prior to lysis. YAP1 and GP130 expression levels were determined by immunoblotting. A quantification is shown in the right panel; the amount of protein present in each of the untreated samples (normalized to TUBA or ACTB as loading controls) is set as 1.