Fig. S9.
Sensitivity of strategy optimality to sex ratio in the canine population. The probability that each strategy is optimal across a range of cost-effectiveness thresholds was evaluated for scenarios where females make up 30% (A) and 40% (B) of the canine population (base case: empirical estimate of 24%). Rabies programs evaluated include maintenance of the status quo (gray lines), expanding targets of exclusive canine vaccination (CV; blue lines of progressively deeper shades), and expanding targets of combined canine vaccination and female sterilization (CVFS; red lines of progressively deeper shades). Canine vaccination with sterilization of both males and females (CVS) is never optimal and is not shown here. The vertical dotted and dashed lines indicate the WHO thresholds for very cost-effective and cost-effective strategies in India ($1,582 and $4,746 per DALY), respectively.