The similarities of mitochondrial dynamics in pinealocytes, brain neurons and cultured SH-SY5Y cells. Upper panel: Mitochondrial dynamics in pinealocytes (27,000×). (A) Condensed state; (B) Second intermediate state; (C) Third intermediate state; Middle panel: Mitochondrial dynamics in brain neurons of mice. (E) Mitochondrial fission induced by cadmium treatment; (F) The transition of mitochondrial fission and fusion in the animal treated with cadmium plus melatonin; (G) Mitochondrial fusion in control healthy animal; Lower panel: Mitochondrial dynamics in cultured SH-SY5Y cells (60,000×). (H) Mitochondrial fission induced by methamphetamine; (I) The transition of mitochondrial fission and fusion in cells treated with methamphetamine plus melatonin; (J) Mitochondrial fusion in control cells. The similarities of A, E and H; B, F and I; C, G and J are obvious. Mordified from [90,184,185].