Fig. 1.
Cp and Heph mRNA and proteins are present in normal RPE and retina within Müller cells. (A) Bands from ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels corresponding to RT-PCR amplification products of the indicated mRNAs from dissected C57BL/6 murine RPE and cultured ARPE-19 cells. In all cases, the amplification product was of the expected size. (B) Western analysis of Cp and Heph in dissected C57BL/6 murine retinas (mRet) human retinas (huRet), cultured ARPE-19 cells, and cultured rMC-1 cells. Purified human Cp (labeled Cp) was used as control. (C) Control BALB/c retina labeled with a Cy3-conjugated donkey anti-rabbit secondary antibody. (D) Normal BALB/c retina immunolabeled for Heph. (E–G) Normal BALB/c retina double-labeled with anti-Heph and anti-CRALBP, a marker for Muller glia. A single red exposure reveals anti-Heph immunoreactivity (E). A single green exposure shows anti-CRALBP immunore-activity (F). Double exposure shows yellow colocalization of Heph and CRALBP (G). (Scale bars: 50 μm.)